🍫 My hot take on Periods & Chocolate: Part 1
💖 February is a big month for our plant partner Chocolate!!!
🍂 We might find ourselves craving this delicious medicine during PMS / Mahwari (Menstrual) Autumn when its nutrient and vitamin-rich self helps our body get the magnesium it needs during this season.
🍫 Some of my favourite suppliers in YVR Vancouver &YHZ Halifax include:
@hopebloomshfx Hot Cocoa Boys
@eastvanroasters Valentine’s Day Collection
@thesoapdispensary Bulk Chocolate
@jillschocolates Gift sets
@peacebychocolate Wantaqo’ti
🌱 Just like honey, remember that they, chocolate plants, as living beings are a finite resource. Of course, the human world, Earth, and Universe is abundant @lisa2motivate!!! Yet, at the same time we as humans can also remember the idea of “sufficiency” @soulofmoney. Like many plant medicines, we can use chocolate sparingly and with great respect. We can also investigate who we purchase our chocolate from, how it’s grown, who grows it, and how their labour is remunerated!
🌙 Theobroma cacao is the binomial latin name for the plant that chocolate is made and fermented from. Do y’all have traditional and names for chocolate in your ancestral languages? I would love to know!
♥️ We can also range on the spectrum of sober----addicted to it. When using chocolate with intention, I recommend closing our eyes, taking a breath or two, smelling the chocolate, and then taking a bite. Notice the sensations and how you feel afterward! This helps with the bhog/hygge and ceremony of it, as well as increases the feelings of pleasure and sensuality
In solidarity!!!
Hi & Sat Sri Akal, I’m ਤਕਦੀਰ ਕੌਰ Dr. Taq Kaur Bhandal, the CEO of I’m With Periods. To learn from me, enroll in my online courses for women and our boyfriends or get a copy of my book Self-Care Down There. I am physically based in Halifax, Nova Scotia on Mi’kmaq Treaty Territories. I was born and raised on the west coast of Canada close to Vancouver, British Columbia. My ancestors and family are from the Punjab region of India and Pakistan. I’m passionate about long walks in the forest with my fiancé and dog, and reading rom-coms in the bath.